Throughout this campaign I’ve talked a lot about community engagement and how important of a role this process will play towards the regeneration of our older communities and the development of our newer neighborhoods in Ward 5. Another key detail to any positive engagement process is transparency. Transparency builds trust as it allows us as taxpayers the opportunity to not only see how our hard earned money is spent but it also allows us to be involved in the decision making process. At the same time, it gives our representatives and our city administration legitimacy as it is and should always be the “public’s” sector.
In order to continuously prove my full commitment to transparency, today, I am releasing my full donors and expenditures list up to the 12th of October 2017. Although my budget might not be as large as some of the other candidates’ I believe that my team and I have managed to make a great impression and put together a relevant platform that can carry us to victory on Monday.
I believe that our electoral process should not be driven by the philosophy of “you have to spend money to make money”, it should instead be driven by the “make the most out of what you’ve got” approach.
To our team this philosophy is the true marker of fiscal responsibility and a key factor by which we wanted to show our respect towards our donors/volunteers for their time and their resources. I aim to bring this philosophy at City Hall if elected to be your Ward 5 representative. In order to reach a higher degree of transparency we need to give more importance to crowd funding efforts that are matched by the municipality and by also engaging in more participatory budgeting not only at a community level but at a municipal level as well. Any chance or any tools that allow us to open up our governance to as many Calgarians as possible is more than welcome.
Lastly I would like to thank those who have donated their time, money or both. You, without a doubt, understood how much this endeavor has meant to me and gave me the confidence to see this process through. With your votes and support on October 16th, I hope to get the opportunity to demonstrate that I don’t just want to be your elected official; I want to be Ward 5’s public servant.
On October 16th vote Dinca Tudor!
PS For those interested in learning more about campaign budgets from previous elections, click here.
Tudor Dinca