As we enter the last week of the municipal election, in the interest of transparency, like 4 years ago, I will be sharing with the residents of Ward 5 both my donation and my expense list up to the 10th of October. Yes, I might receive and spend a little bit more in the remaining …
How I responded to the influencers and their surveys
Continuing in the spirit of transparency, in this blog post, I will try to put together as many of the surveys that I’ve completed from the numerous organizations that reach out to the City Council candidates. Please see the subject titles below, by clicking on them you will be able to access the surveys which …
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Some of our City’s issues – A beginner’s guides
One of the greatest things about running for municipal office is that as you get closer to the election day, a number of organizations reach out to you in order to share some background information on what they do in relation to the City. This information is well presented, in a relatively short format, that …
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Poor urban planning and shallow public reporting
On May 21st, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), reported on the approval of a new shopping area in the NE community of Cornerstone. As someone who has been following the development of a number of projects in this quadrant of the city, I was disappointed to see that this article lacked any meaningful background information …
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How do candidates choose their campaign “look”?
With less than 5 months to go until the municipal election, I’ve decided to start door-knocking in Ward 5. I plan to interact with every single resident of the constituency (in a safe manner), while also sharing some campaign materials at the doors. Below, you can see the postcard that I will be using throughout …
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Where is the Blue Line Extension?
Back in 2017, when I first ran to represent the constituents of Ward 5, I was the only candidate in the race that put a strong emphasis on extending the Blue Line LRT further up into the NE. The motivation to do so, was backed by the developments of the Green Line, a landmark public …
Fare Choices
Over the past few years, I’ve spent a lot of time talking about Calgary’s transit system and how I believe it can be improved upon. Although our city has seen some notable enhancements, overall, we still lag far behind other metropolises from around the world. In this blog post, I will take a look at …
Better mobility, better community
Last week, as I was scrolling through my social media feed, I came across a sponsored post from the “City of Calgary – Your Local Government” Facebook page. In the post, the city was asking Calgarians for their “help in identifying challenges and opportunities related to mobility along 14th and 15th Avenue South from 1st …
Why I care about politics and why you should too
We are less than a year away from Calgary’s upcoming municipal election and as someone who had ran for public office in the past and is seriously considering doing so once again in 2021, I would like to share with you the origin story that has led to my deep-seated interest in politics. In doing …
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Transparency is the best policy – My donors and expenditures list
Throughout this campaign I’ve talked a lot about community engagement and how important of a role this process will play towards the regeneration of our older communities and the development of our newer neighborhoods in Ward 5. Another key detail to any positive engagement process is transparency. Transparency builds trust as it allows us as …
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